20 January, 2010

Arnhim, the Estimates, and Haiti

This will be a brief post. I hope to do a fuller vincypatriot analysis of the Estimates & Budget when its all over. But I want to post this while I'm still angry about it.

According to Kenton Chance's always-excellent "I-Witness News" Blog (Tell me again why SVG can't have a daily newspaper?), Leader of the Opposition Arnhim Eustace had this little nugget to offer on the Government's Budget Estimates:

“I regard these estimates something like a pack of cards from which a building in built. In terms of revenue, it is not there and it will collapse much like the buildings in Haiti.”

Excuse me... WHAT?!?

(See the full article here: "Estimates will crumble like Haiti buildings: St. Vincent opposition leader" An earlier article on the Estimates is here: "St. Vincent PM unveils EC$913M budget.")

On what planet is this an appropriate comment? "Too soon" does not even begin to capture the inappropriateness of that statement. Disagree with the estimates all you want. It's your job, to some degree. And you may even have valid points and disagreements. But how the HELL can you compare budget estimates in any way to what is still happening in Haiti?

No one knows for sure the death toll to date, but we're talking in the neighbourhood of 200,000 (See: "'Reasonable assumption' that nearly 200,000 dead after Haiti earthquake: U.S. general"). That's more than every citizen of SVG, plus the population of Antigua & Barbuda (or Dominica, if you like). Up to today, aa week after the 1st quake, aftershocks measuring 6.1 were still hitting the country ("Strong aftershock rattles Haitians"). Corpses are still being pulled from the rubble. I myself have Haitian friends that I have not heard from, and have no idea if they're dead or alive. 

I find Eustace's comments profoundly, appalling, insulting and unconscionable. 

Show a little compassion for your Caribbean neighbours and the scale of the human tragedy. The whole world is captivated, expressing condolences, and trying to help. The assistance pledged and money required far outstrips SVG's little budgetary drama. It is a Caribbean catastrophe unparalleled in modern history. It is still unfolding. And Eustace thinks he can use it to score cheap political points???

I wonder how people would have responded 9 years ago (or even today), if Eustace had said "In terms of revenue, it is not there and it will collapse much like the Twin Towers on 9/11." How quickly would we have been calling for his head?

He must apologise. I am genuinely appalled at his insensitivity.


  1. I've read your posts in the past, and I mostly think ur full of shit. No lie. ***BUT*** I'm surprised to say I agree with you on this. Armhim should say sorry.

  2. Wow, he difinitely needs to apologize for such an insensitive comment!.
